Act on Universities, the University Programme Order, and international education activities

Legislation in English
Only few of the acts and ministerial orders etc. in force exist in an English translation. If there is no English version or if only a historic version of the act/ministerial order exists, the Danish version is available instead.

CBS-staff should use the Danish page.

The Danish Act on Universities (in Danish)

The University Programme Order (in Danish) – Uddannelsesbekendtgørelsen

International education activities

Ministerial Order on the International Education Activities of Universities (in Danish) – Bekendtgørelse om universiteternes internationale uddannelsesforløb

Bekendtgørelse om fripladser med stipendium som støtte til leveomkostninger til visse udenlandske studerende ved universiteterne

Bekendtgørelse om tilskud og revision m.v. ved universiteterne