Rules and regulations regarding conduct and academic integrity, including penalties, and other rules

CBS’ rules and regulations on CONDUCt AND RULES ON ACADEMIC INTEGRITY, including penalties

Pursuant to section 14 (9) of the Danish University Act (Consolidation Act no. 778 of 7 August 2019), section 9 of Ministerial Order no. 22 of 9 January 2020 on University Examinations and Grading (the Examination Order), section 32 of Ministerial Order no. 37 of 13 January 2022 on Admission and Enrolment on Programmes at Universities arranged as full time studies (the Admission Order) the following rules have been laid down:

1. The rules apply to all students enrolled at CBS’s bachelor’s, master’s, professional bachelor’s, advanced level, executive master’s and PhD programmes, including exchange students, credit transfer students and students under the vacant seat scheme.
(2) The provision in Section 4 also applies to applicants for CBS’ bachelor’s and master’s programmes.

2. The rules concern the behaviour both actual actions as well as omissions that students cf. s.1 take.

Paragraph I

3. The student must be considerate and orderly in his/her conduct at CBS. Bullying or other form of harassment of other students or staff is unacceptable.
(2) The student is under the duty to show consideration for other students and employees at CBS and CBS’ property, buildings and other possessions. This means that noisy behaviour, eating, drinking; smoking, etc. cannot take place in ways or places, where it causes inconvenience to others.
(3) The student must observe all rules laid down by CBS, including works and safety regulations, whether or not they are formulated as general rules, house rules, on posters or signs.
(4) The student must act and behave considerately and orderly in any situation in which the student wholly or in part represents or acts on behalf of / in affiliation with CBS (e.g. during project work or business internships, conferences and case competitions) to ensure that CBS’ reputation and/or cooperative relationships are not damaged.

4. The student is under the duty to comply with directions and orders from employees at or of CBS regarding the rules in s. 2.
(2) The student must show his/her student identity card or otherwise prove his/her identity on request.

Duty of information

5. Applicants for bachelor’s and master’s programmes are under a duty to inform CBS about and apply for credit transfer for programme elements from previous incomplete study programmes at the same educational level. Providing false or insufficient information on such passed programme elements is sanctioned according to the provisions in Paragraph II on disciplinary measures.

6. Students who have received pre-approval for credit transfer for programme elements at a different educational institution, are under a duty to subsequently submit the necessary documentation to CBS for whether these pre-approved programme elements are passed or not. Intentionally providing false or insufficient information on this may be sanctioned according to the provisions in Paragraph II on disciplinary measures.

Academic conduct

7. Students at CBS are under the duty to observe the general rules of academic conduct, cf. appendix 1 and subsections 2-5 of this section. The student shall not be entitled to:
(2) obtain or offer unauthorised aid to another student in the preparation of an exam paper or to bring or use unauthorised aids during an exam, including take-home exams.
(3) take credit for work (texts, ideas or products) which is not his/her own or use other people’s work without a clear source reference and quotation marks or quotation formatting.
(4) submit his/her own previously assessed, published or annulled work without informing the person to whom it is submitted.
(5) falsify data, documents or the like.

Paragraph II

8. The stipulated penalties in s. 9-14 can be used separately or in combination in case of non-compliance with the rules in s. 3-7.

9. The student can be expelled from the examination, which entails that the student’s exam paper will not be assessed, and that the student has used one exam attempt.

10. The student can be expelled from the university, which entails that the student shall leave CBS’ premises immediately.

11. The student can be given a written warning. A written warning entails that the violation of the rules will be registered on the student’s case in the administration system.

12. The student’s submitted paper/performance can be annulled, which entails that the paper/performance will not be assessed, and that the student has used one exam attempt. An annulment of an already published grade entails that the grade is withdrawn and that the student has used one exam attempt.

13. The student can be suspended from the examination activities, which entails that the student cannot register for or participate in examinations or examination-related activities during the suspension period. The student is entitled to participate in the ordinary teaching. The student cannot be granted a credit transfer for exams passed at other universities during the suspension period, regardless of whether the student has received pre-approval for credit transfer before the suspension period.

14. The student can be expelled temporarily or permanently, which entails that the student shall be excluded from participating in any activity at CBS, including all kinds of participation in teaching and examination. A decision of permanent expulsion shall only be taken if the President finds it necessary in order to ensure that the work of CBS is undisturbed, or that CBS’ reputation is not damaged, or that the confidence in the examinations conducted at the university is upheld in society or in cases where students have intentionally provided false or insufficient information, cf. s. 5 and 6.

15. Repeat violation of the rules will be considered as aggravating circumstances in determining a sanction.


16. In case of a violation of the rules in s. 3-7, the President shall be informed.

17. Employees at CBS and exam supervisors are entitled to suspend a student from an exam, cf. s. 9, or from the university, cf. s. 10, if the student fails to observe the announced examination rules or CBS’ rules and/or if the student’s behaviour or attempt to cheat is disturbing the exam. The President will receive a written report immediately after the suspension and then make a decision in the case.

18. If it is assumed that the student has violated the rules of academic conduct, cf. s. 7, the examination and the assessment must be completed as normal, however cf. (2), but the grade must be withheld until the President has made a decision.
(2) In cases that the assessors deem to be indisputable and verifiable acts of plagiarism, they may confront the students with this assessment. If the student then admits the violation of the rules, the student is entitled to abstain from completing the exam if the student expressly agrees to this. The same applies if the student immediately admits the violation of the rules at the start of the exam. If this happens during the exam, the exam may be stopped if the student expressly agrees to this.

19. The reporting of violations that fall within s. 3 and 7 shall be made by the person(s) who registered the alleged violation of the rules. If the exam supervisors have registered an attempt to violate s. 7, the violation shall be reported to the programme director/course coordinator, who will report the violation to the President.

20. The report must include a thorough description of the alleged violation and documentation hereof, the report will form the basis for a consultation with the involved student(s).


21. With respect to the legal particulars of this matter, the President’s decision can be brought before the Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science.
(2) Complaints shall be submitted no later than two weeks from the date on which the student receives the decision.
(3) The complaint must be addressed to the Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science submitted to CBS Legal via email to or to CBS Legal, Solbjerg Plads 3, 2000 Frederiksberg. Upon receipt of the complaint, CBS may issue an opinion, on which the student is entitled to comment within at least one week. The complaint, any opinion and any comments to this made by the student, and the case documents shall subsequently be submitted to the Agency.

Copenhagen Business School, March 2022

Inger Askehave
Vice-president and interim President

Appendix 1: Academic conduct and misconduct

Academic conduct is widely accepted norms on academic behaviour and honesty.
CBS expects of all students that the work they submit is their own and that the work is based on proper academic conduct.
If a student uses his/her own or other people’s formerly assessed or annulled work, the source must be named in accordance with the guidelines that apply to the examination in question. It shall be possible to control the use and the reproduction of the source at any time, and the author(s) must always be acknowledged.
An example of a correct source reference is an indication of the author(s) name(s), the title of the work, year of publication and page number(s), either in a parenthesis after the section in which the source is used or by means of and end- or footnote.
In addition, the work must be included in the overall reference list.
Regardless of extent, quotations from another person’s work must always be accompanied by a source reference and quotation marks or formatting that clearly differs from the formatting of the student’s own work (e.g. indented text in italics).
Violation of the norms on proper academic conduct is unethical and synonymous with academic misconduct.

Academic misconduct occurs when a student or a group of students are misrepresenting the
individual student’s own performance and results by falsification, plagiarism/copying, nondisclosure, cooperation on individual written work or the like.

The following are examples of academic misconduct:

  • Attempt to take credit for the work of others without their consent and without a source reference
  • The use of other people’s ideas or words without authorisation and without quotation marks and source reference
  • Falsification, fabrication or non-disclosed selection/discarding of data, documents or the like
  • Helping other people with any of the above mentioned offences
  • Bringing unauthorised exam aids into an examination room
  • Giving or receiving help in the preparation of an exam paper, including cooperating with others on individual exam papers.

The following links provide more information about academic conduct:

Stop plagiat nu:

“Referér korrekt”: (in Danish) Skov, A. (2000). Referér korrekt: Om udarbejdelse af bibliografiske referencer. København: Danmarks Biblioteksskole.

San José State University Plagieringstutorial: (In English) Jackson, P. (2004). Plagiarism: The Crime of Intellectual Kidnapping. San José University Library.

Information is available on CBSShare, for the internal examiner, when suspected plagiarism is to be reported (cheating at exams).

CBS’ Rules for good ethical conduct at study start programmes

1. Purpose of the study start programmes
The study start programmes at Copenhagen Business School (CBS) aim to provide all new students with a good introduction to the academic content of the degree programme and a good social foundation towards their future studies and student life at CBS. This is a great opportunity for students to meet one another and to get an overview of the study environment and what student life is like at CBS and in Copenhagen.

The study start programmes are to be planned and conducted with consideration for the individual participants and with respect for their cultural, sexual, political, religious and personal differences and viewpoints.

2. Study start coordinators and guides at CBS
CBS is grateful for the involvement and efforts of the study start coordinators and guides. Each study start coordinator and guide acts as a representative of CBS and is expected to act responsibly and be understanding towards new students and their differences and viewpoints.

A group of study start coordinators are employed, and a group of voluntary study start guides are selected. It is mandatory to participate in CBS’ training programme for study start coordinators and guides.

The study start coordinators and guides, who are responsible for conducting the study start programmes, have been appointed and trained by CBS to conduct the programmes. CBS has the power to direct how work should be done by the study start coordinators. That means that as employees, study start coordinators are obliged to follow the instructions given by CBS via the programme director or other appointed representatives, or the person appointed as supervisor.

The academic programme director, the administrative programme manager and the vice-chair of the study board appoint study start coordinators. The CBS-employed study start coordinators then select the study start guides, under the supervision of the programme manager. The aim is to reflect in these appointments CBS’ diversity as regards e.g. gender, cultural background, personality.

All study start coordinators and guides are informed by CBS representatives of these CBS rules on good ethical conduct at study start programmes, and thereby the applicable guidelines and rules are communicated to the relevant study start coordinators and guides. In addition, study start coordinators and guides must sign a document acknowledging that they have read and understood CBS’ rules for good ethical conduct at study start programmes and CBS’ rules and regulations regarding conduct and the consequences that may follow from violating the rules.

3. The study start programmes
The study start programme is part of the actual study programme and is thereby conducted by CBS and with CBS as having the overall responsibility for the content and delivery of the study start programme.

Requirements for the programme
There must be a serious academic content in the programme and the activities, thus ensuring a clear study-related dimension. In the same vein, the social activities should focus on creating a good and inclusive study environment.

Approval of the programme
The study board is responsible for the study start programme for the degree programme in question and is to approve, in advance, the study start programme in its entirety, including its scope, specific content (the individual activities) and how it is conducted.

This means that the study start coordinators must send to the study board the following for approval, within a deadline set by the study board:

  1. Programme for the entire study start programme, including the evening programme.
  2. Detailed descriptions of the activities.
  3. Information about which of the study start coordinators are responsible for the activities for each day of the study start programme, with their contact information.

The study board is to approve the study start programme, including the activities, prior to the beginning of the study start programme. If some elements are not approved by the study board, the study start coordinators are to modify the content and send an updated programme for approval.

4. Rules for good ethical conduct at study start programmes at CBS
Based on the above, the following rules apply throughout the study start programmes at CBS:

  1. CBS has to be able to endorse these study start programmes both in form and the manner in which they are conducted.
  2. In conducting the study start programme, differences in ethical norms and boundaries for personal integrity have to be taken into account, as well as the fact that all students are supposed to participate equally. This means that the programme cannot contain any elements, be they academic or social, that could be considered offensive by any of the participating students.
  3. Study start coordinators and guides are to behave in a manner which is suitable for representing CBS throughout the entirety of the study start programme, that means also outside the periods included in the approved programme.
  4. The study start programme cannot contain elements which imply or encourage nudity (e.g. ‘clothes chain’ or similar activity).
  5. The study start programme cannot contain elements which include explicit sexual activities or elements of an implicit sexual nature which could be deemed offensive by the participants.
  6. Participants (coordinators, guides and students) shall not expose other participants to any form of sexual harassment. CBS considers it an aggravating circumstance if a study start coordinator or guide infringes a student’s dignity.
  7. It is not allowed during the study start programme to take any euphoriants or narcotics of any kind; this applies to both coordinators, guides and students.
  8. The study start programme cannot include activities which imply the consumption of alcohol or encourage the consumption of alcohol (including beer runs (ølstafet) or similar), and alcohol consumption is not permitted before 5 p.m. This applies both on CBS’ campus/areas and during any cottage trip.
  9. Study start coordinators and guides must be sober when they function in their capacity as a representative of CBS.
  10. There is to be no strong alcohol present during the study start programme.

Violation of the rules on good ethical conduct at study start programmes at CBS
Violation of these rules on good ethical conduct at study start programmes at CBS can result in penalties in accordance with the provisions laid out in the rules and regulations regarding conduct in force at any time. It is particularly noted that study starts coordinators or guides who are found to have made a serious violation of the rules are at risk of a temporary or permanent expulsion from CBS.

5. Evaluation of the study start programmes and handling of cases involving violation of rules
Study start programmes are, as a minimum, evaluated by sending questionnaires to all participants.

The study boards must review and treat the evaluation for their degree programme’s study start programme at the first meeting after the result of the evaluation is available. The study board must assess if the contents of the study start programme should be change in the future, and if it seems as if the rules have been violated.

If the study board assesses that the evaluations give rise to a suspected violation of the rules, this must be investigated further, and the programme director is required to report the incident(s) to CBS Legal, who is in charge of the handling of any disciplinary proceedings under the guidelines in force at any time.

Copenhagen Business School, 11 May 2020
Nicholaj Malchow-Møller

‘Circular on Elections for the Board of Directors and Collegiate Bodies at CBS’ are available on [link findes ikke endnu – afvent oprettelse af menupunkt og upload af valgregler]


Reglerne skal sikre at bygningerne ikke lider overlast i forbindelse med ophængning af plakater, at CBS’ bygninger fremtræder som et seriøst uddannelsessted og en arbejdsplads med et professionelt præg, samt at kandidaterne får ens og fair vilkår i deres valgkamp.

CBS’ studerende, medarbejdere og organisationer kan ophænge plakater og streamers efter nedenstående retningslinjer. Plakater, streamers eller tryksager herudover må ikke opsættes uden særlig aftale med Campus Services.

Ophæng i strid med reglerne medfører repressalier i overensstemmelse med CBS’ ordensregler.

Generelle vilkår:
Plakater og streamers kan opsættes på de frie opslagstavler. Bemærk at indholdet normalt fjernes 1 gang månedligt. Derudover kan der frit benyttes A-skilte og roll-ups i et rimeligt antal.

Endelig kan der sættes bannere hen over vandrehallen i SP.

Plakater mv. må ikke opsættes på eller i:

  • Undervisningslokaler
  • Vinduer
  • Glaspartier
  • Døre
  • Toiletter
  • Elevatorer
  • Balkoner i Kilen


  • Plakater og streamers nedtages umiddelbart efter de er blevet uaktuelle
  • Mærker forårsaget af opsætning skal fjernes

Særlige forhold i valgperioden
I forbindelse med valgkamp kan der normalt opsættes plakater sidste åbningsdag før valgugen, dvs. fra fredag kl. 12 i KI, PH og DH og søndag kl.12 i SP.

Derudover gælder det, at:

  • Hver studenterorganisation kan i afstemningsugen opstille valgbord(e) i forhallen på Solbjerg Plads, Kilen, Porcelænshaven og Dalgas Have. Opstillingsplads anvises af Campus Services.
  • Der må alene udskænkes ikke-alkoholiske drikke.
  • CBS opfordrer alle til ikke at gå i direkte konkurrence med kantinen ift. servering af mad og drikkevarer.
  • Valgplakater må i omfang ikke være større end 140 x 85 cm.
  • Alle valgplakater og streamers skal nedtages af organisationerne senest førstkommende mandag efter valgugen.

Venlig hilsen
René Steffensen / Anders Jonas Pedersen
Campusdirektør / Sektretær for valgstyrelsen

Not available in English